In the case of any light refreshment restaurant , in respect of which - 如属小食食肆,而
In the case of any light refreshment restaurant , in respect of which - 只售卖小食的食肆除外
Grant of a permit to operate a light refreshment restaurant at tai wan shan swimming pool 承投大环山游泳池小食食肆的经营许可证
Grant of a permit to operate a light refreshment restaurant and two light refreshment kiosks at morse park complex 承投经营摩士公园游泳池、摩士三号公园和摩士四号公园小食食肆和两间小食亭的许可证
Depending on the types of food being offered for sale in the premises , the operator may either apply for a general restaurant ( gr ) licence or a light refreshment restaurant ( lrr ) licence from fehd 经营者须按其售卖的食品种类,向食环署申领普通食肆或小食食肆牌照。截至二四年九月,食环署共发出7 , 844个普通食肆牌照和2 , 875个小食食肆牌照。